Mewnits Graduation!
Greetings, Kitten Academicians!
Welcome Pumice!
The Scientific Mewnits had their Graduation ceremonies on Tuesday, and already all have adopters! That was quick! You can expect to see Newt and Dalton leaving for their home together tomorrow, Saturday the 3rd, around 12:30 KATZ. Torr and Kelvin are also going home together, but not until the 10th - time yet to be determined!
We've got some great graduation photos, but first some other news -
We haven't officially announced this in a blogpost, so let us welcome Pumice, our new momcat. On Angels' Wings finally found us one that's pregnant for sure - she's already giving milk and we can feel the kittens kicking, plus last night DJ showed me how to hear tiny kitten heartbeats. She's due to deliver literally any day now!
Quiche Lorraine was adopted yesterday! Her new owners don't have much of a social media presence, but they're wonderful people and we're going to try to get them to share some updates with us.
And of course, a reminder that Magnolia is still available for adoption! It's also never too early to apply for Pumice, or her kittens - if you get an application in now, you can get approved in advance.
Here's the Mewnits!
As usual, here's all the photos from the photoshoot - and some extras!