Welcome to the Cat Trees!
Greetings, Kitten Academicians!
Before we get into the news of the new class, a quick reminder, Hummus is still looking for a qualified adopter, which is mind-blowing, as he's a wonderful, playful, and loving kitten! And you can apply online, just click right here!
DJ's pocket-sized cheatsheet! Click it!
On Thursday, September 28th, Kitten Academy welcomed its largest and most unusual class to date! We were told that a farmer in Indiana had gathered up all the cats and kittens in his barn, and they consisted of "Two momcats who were sharing parenting duties, and all their kittens." We expected two young litters, but what we got wasn't exactly what we expected - two wonderful momcats, and a big bunch of kittens from multiple litters, ranging in age from about four weeks to six months! In fact, all but three of them are already old enough to be eligible for graduation!
Though we've only had a few days to get to know them so far, they already are turning out to be wonderful, loving kittens. The arrival and first day were rough - they'd been through a lot, and were a little scared of everything, including us and each other! But it's only four days later and they are all getting along wonderfully, and have become super friendly - many of them get obviously excited to see us every time we come into the room, and will follow us around, asking to be loved. And love them, we do! Such a great bunch!
We've already scheduled the spay/neuter for all but the youngest three of them, which will happen tomorrow, Tuesday the 3rd of October. Special thanks to On Angels' Wings for setting up the vet, and for providing post-operation kitten cuddling services (they always need extra volunteers to help cuddle kittens)! And super special thanks to OAW volunteer, CariAnne (on the Patreon chat) for getting up extra early to help transport so many kittens!
Here's our official cheatsheet and initial photoshoot! We're including the ages at the time of this post - but keep in mind we don't know how old they are! These are our best guesses.
The first three kittens - on a different background - are currently isolated in the master bathroom, because they are so small, and because they had fleas (we think that's taken care of now) and because at least two of them are showing signs of having a very minor cold. They are also the only ones not going for the spay/neuter tomorrow!
Eucalyptus - Female - 4 weeks
Elderberry - Male - 4 weeks
Gingko - Female - 7-8 weeks
Chestnut - F - 3-4 months
Sassafras - Female - 2-2.5 months
Hickory - Male - 3 months
Maple - Female - 2.5-3 months
Buckeye - Male - 2 months
Crabapple - Male - 5-6 months
Juniper - Female - 4-5 months
Larch - Male - 4-5 months
Filbert - Male - 6 months
Magnolia - Momcat - Young
Fig - Momcat - Young
As usual, here's all the photos from our photoshoot!