Purrsians Graduation and News!
Hello, Kitten Academicians!
The Purrsians are almost ready to graduate! The girls, Tahini and Falafel, will be going for their graduation on Tuesday, September 26th! Babaghanoush and and Hummus will get at least an extra week -- depending on when they get a clean bill of health from the vet. Nonetheless, we've gone ahead and gotten some wonderful photos of them! They aren't quite the traditional grad photos, since photographing white kittens on the white background doesn't work too well...!
In related news, Babaghanoush and Hummus still need adopters! We're kind of hoping they can get adopted together, as they're both very high-energy and having each other to play with will probably work well for them -- and for their adopter! But they'll be fine if they go individually to adopters that can play with them a lot!
If you feel like applying for them, you can try out our new online application form! This is something brand new that DJ put together, so if you have any feedback or issues with it, please e-mail us to let us know, at headmaster@kitten.academy!
As usual, here's the rest of the photos from this photoshoot - and from the prior action shoot!