Cat Trees

Where Are They Meow?
The Cat Trees were an incredibly diverse class with kittens, cat and momcats (and a dadcat?) of all ages! They have all graduated and gone on to truly great lives with the humans they chose. This is a huge list... so, get ready to scroll.
Magnolia, known to her friends and family as Maggie, took a long time deciding on her plans after graduation. After much thought, she decided to pursue further didactic endeavors right here at the Academy. You can view her faculty bio here.

Fig is thought to be the momcat of some kittens of this class. Upon graduation, she found an adorable family of big and small humans to take care of her simpler needs, while she continues her all-important ornithology studies. She has even convinced her humans to build a special outdoor enclosure designed specifically to the scope of her work. She keeps in touch with us via Discord and YouTube.
Filbert, rumored to be the dadcat of at least one kitten of this class was the first to graduate and find himself a dedicated human attendant! He stays in touch with us over Discord and Twitter.
Larch, Crabapple and Juniper found themselves prestigious positions at an amazing panther-run research institution with dedicated human staff. When they are not hard at work, they relax by the pool and discuss panther things with their panther siblings. They stay in touch via Discord as well as Instagram, and Twitter.
Hannah Banana was a sweet, shy cat when she joined her class a little bit later than the proffered start date. She did some pre-enrollment coursework with CariAnne, our wonderful OAW liaison and eventually decided to arrive at the Academy for further studies. Nonetheless, she came out of her shell over time and found herself a home with a couple of sweet humans who she deemed would fit her personality perfectly! She does stay in touch with us over Discord.
Hickory and Maple, the duo of floof and friskiness found themselves an awesome home with a young human brother to hang out with them after their education at the Academy. They spend their days now on human sboogles research with extensive help from their human companions! They regularly post several demonstrations of their work on our Discord server.
Buckeye, also known as Bucky to his friends, took a rather interesting career path after graduating from the Academy. He found a beautiful human servant with a future colleague who would partner with him in his scholarly tasks. After extensive deliberation, he decided on law as his area of study. He goes by Bucky, Esq. these days and is always present to help out when kittens find themselves in legal messes, be it catnip-induced or otherwise. Sometimes, after a long day of esquiring, he can be found taking well-deserved alone time under a rug. He stays in touch in various ways, primarily on Discord as well as Twitter.
Gingko, it seemed, had clearly set her eyes on a future in technology and kitten-like sneakiness. She had somehow been in touch with the founder of the Kazoo Network, little Kazoo himself! She had heard great things about this Kazoo and had arranged for Kazoo’s humans to bring her to this legend of a kitten. Kazoo has grudgingly, yet gracefully accepted Gingko as his sister and partner in tasks that are beyond the comprehension of humans or even, at times, other cats. Gingko and Kazoo stay in touch with us on Discord, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.
Elderberry and Eucalyptus (inexplicably known to the Walgreen’s chain of pharmacies as Escalyppus) attended most of their lessons at the Academy together and it seemed quite appropriate that they should find a place together after graduation. And so they did! They spend much of their time lounging around with their loving humans and stay in touch with us over Discord, Twitter and Instagram.
Cashew arrived at the Academy pretending to be a momcat. Soon after, her charade was up and she was told she was to attend classes as a kitten. Cashew took this in stride and excelled at her studies. She graduated and found a fantastic human family for herself, even a look-alike brother included! She now stays in touch with us via Discord.
Chestnut and Sassafras were the last of this class to graduate from the Academy. They took their time to find just the right human to share their adventures with. They spend their post-graduate years lounging and enjoying the views from their window together with their new older brother!