Welcome to TnT and The Solemates!

Greetings, Kitten Academicians!

We’ve got a ton of news to cover, so we’ll try to go quickly!

Tempest and Teacup

Firstly, we brought in two cats from central Illinois. They were living together before they came to Kitten Academy and it shows - we’ve never seen two adult cats who are so friendly with each other! One is a torbie named Tempest, who is confirmed pregnant by Dr. Quinn at Cary Grove Animal Hospital. Dr. Quinn guesses that she’s about 30 days along - so we’ve got another month to go before delivery. The other is a calico named Teacup. Dr. Quinn doesn’t think Teacup is pregnant. Teacup also needs some dental work, so we’re bringing her in on Tuesday the 26th (it was rescheduled) to double-check whether she is pregnant, and if not, we’ll have her dental work done and also her spay. Our plan is to allow both of them to live together through the delivery of Tempest’s kittens - if they continue to get along so well.


Next important note - Cooper has an adopter! We haven’t scheduled an exact time, but we expect him to be picked up in early March.

There’s some absolutely fantastic new designs on our Teespring store - check them out!

Finally, today we brought in another momcat and her week-old kittens. They were rescued by McHenry County Animal Control and On Angels’ Wings brought them to us so that we’d have some actual kittens at this Academy while we wait on Tempest’s litter. Here’s their photos and names:

Lace - Momcat

Hushpuppy - Male

Wedge - Male

Pennyloafer - Female

Oxford - Male

Sneaker - Male

And finally, here’s the rest of the photos from recent photoshoots!

Belated Welcome to Cooper!

Greetings, Kitten Academicians!

We intended to put up a welcome post for Cooper some time ago! Unfortunately, he wasn’t feeling well so we put it off until he got better. And we’re glad to say - he is!

Cooper - Male - (Muppet?)

As you probably know, Cooper joined the Working Class kittens late. We’re told he was found frequenting a Subway sandwich shop in Bridgeport.

He’s currently the only kitten at the Academy without an official adopter, though we’re told there’s a couple potentials that On Angels’ Wings is just checking out now. Apothecary and Troubadour went to their adopter a week ago, and we expect Draper and Squire, who are adopted together, as well as Haberdasher and Wainwright, also adopted together, to be picked up by their adopters towards the end of this month!

We just heard from On Angels’ Wings that they may have not one, but two new momcats for us next week - a tag team! More on that as it develops!

Finally, we wanted to mention that we have a new store - we’re moving from Zazzle to Teespring, thanks to the efforts of Jay, our new “Art Coordinator” and Syl, who’s been assisting with that and various other tasks around the Academy. Teespring has a nice way of working with YouTube and also gives us a much larger percentage of the sales than Zazzle did. Jay has a bunch of the Kitten Academy logo merch up on our Teespring store already — and we suggest you fill up your piggy bank because you’re totally going to want the designs that are coming to the store in the near future from some of our favorite artists! More on that later, too!

Meanwhile - here’s our photoshoot of Cooper and the Gang!

Welcome Working Class!

Greetings, Kitten Academicians!

As you probably know from watching the live stream, our Twitter, Facebook, or the Discord chat for Patreons, we got a new class of kittens in on Wednesday the 9th! They were brought in to On Angels’ Wings from animal control in central Illinois. Based on their weights on the weight chart, they are approximately 3-4 months old and already eligible for graduation, so get your applications in soon! This class is super sweet and hyper active!

You probably also know that we’ve had a late addition, Cooper, from animal control near the south side of Chicago. They had told us Cooper was a girl but the vet has verified Cooper is a boy! We’ll add photos of Cooper here as soon as we’re able to set up a photoshoot. Meanwhile, Cooper is staying in the Master Bedroom while we work on slowly introducing him to the rest of the class!

We’ve got some other news to share with you but we’ll make a separate post about it sometime in the next few days!

Squire - Female - Maroon Collar

Haberdasher - Male - Orange Collar

Wainwright - Male - Black Collar

Apothecary - Female - Lavender Collar

Draper - Male - Green Collar

Troubadour - Male - White Collar

As usual, we’ve got a whole bunch of extra photos from the photoshoot!