Adoption Schedule and Choux Photos!
Hello, Kitten Academicians!
Here's our current plan for adoptions:
Kazoo is already practicing his Boston accent.
* Saturday the 22nd: Sometime in the early afternoon, Kazoo will be picked up by his adopters and taken home to Massachusetts! Around the same time, we expect Cha-Cha's adopter to come pick her up, too, for a road trip to her new home in Wisconsin!
* Sunday the 23rd: Also in the early afternoon, we expect Lute and Foxtrot's adopter to pick them up (they are being adopted together) and bring them to their new home in Texas!
* August 1st (or 2nd): Waltz's adopter will be arriving to pick him up and bring him home to New York!
All of the adopters of this group are participants on our Discord chat for Patreon supporters, so we're well assured that there will be plentiful updates on them as they continue on with their post-graduate work. When Twitter feeds and YouTube channels are announced, we'll be sure to pass along the links in our new Alumni section in the menu above!
The wonderful people at On Angels' Wings in Crystal Lake, IL are soon going to begin reviewing applications for Roux and her kittens, so if you are interested in adopting one of them, now is a great time to get your application in!
Cha-Cha wants to help with the camera.
As you may know, the Kitten Academy main room will be closed beginning on the 24th, when contractors will be arriving to repair water damage and also replace the floor, wall, and ceiling. This project will take roughly two weeks. During that time, we'll focus on Roux and her kittens in the Annex.
Since Waltz will not be picked up until later, and won't be able to stay in the main room, we'll be allowing him to run around the house with the faculty until his adopter arrives. Watch for him on the nightly close-up streams!
Here's a GIANT PILE of photos taken over the last several days! Some of these have been previously published on our Facebook page, or our Twitter feed -- and almost all of them are posted first, as they are edited, on our Discord chat for Patreon supporters.