Hipster Weebops Graduation!

Greetings, Kitten Academicians!

It seems like just yesterday that Bebop spent twelve whole hours bringing her seven kittens into the world, but they’re now three months old, and have completed their studies at the Academy! We have the adoptions all scheduled, except for Artie, who’s spending a little extra time here to have his kidneys checked out on Tuesday.

  • Indie and Retro - September 20

  • Ironic and Vintage - September 20

  • Vinyl - September 25

  • Bespoke and Bebop - September 26

  • Artie - ????

Somehow Tilbury’s kittens have reached a week old and we still haven’t published their first photoshoot - so we’ll make that up to all of you with additional photos in due time! Meanwhile…

Here’s our Hipster graduation photos in the classic style!



Vintage and Ironic

Indie and Retro

Bespoke and Bebop

Here’s the rest of the photos from the graduation shoot!

Momcat Shuffle, Photos, and Acro!

Greetings, Kitten Academicians!

The update on Acro isn’t as pleasing as we’d have hoped. You can click the following button for that:

In an effort to bring something a little happier to this post, here’s some recent mom/not-momcat and faculty photos!

First off, we had “May B.” the not-mom, aka “Caton Rouge Shortbread.” She turned out to not be pregnant at all, but is a sweetheart who appreciates a good lap and a belly rub. She’s very anxious about new people, new places, and new cats, but given time to adjust, very loving. She’s already got an approved adopter, and is staying at the Academy, in the Office, until after her graduation surgery. She’ll be picked up by k80cat on September 16th!

We’re sure her adopters know how to manage cats but it’s a good opportunity to give advice to anyone who’s adopting! Especially with adult cats, but especially with ones that are nervous about changes, it would be a good idea for her adopters to prepare a room with a litterbox, food and water, and no hiding places that they can’t easily retrieve her from. For instance, a bed she can hide under is a bad idea since it can be difficult to coax her out. Even a large closet or bathroom is a fine choice if it’s what you’ve got. After she’s had a day to get used to it as “her space” then you can slowly invite her out to explore the rest of the house, returning to her space when she’s overwhelmed or when you won’t be around to keep an eye out. In due time you and she will become comfortable allowing her free access to the house.

When it comes to meeting new cats, you need to use your best judgement as to what makes a good introduction. Usually letting the cats see each other a few times from a distance, then slowly bringing them together over repeated play or treat sessions is a good idea. May B. was responding well to treat sessions with the faculty, though there’s still more to do. One of the important considerations is to separate the cats and reset before they have a chance to get into a scuffle! At the first sign of hissing or growling it’s usually a good time to call it off and try again later.

Then we have “Tessa,” aka “Void.” Her delivery didn’t result in any kittens, but she proved herself to be a wonderfully sweet cat, nearly a kitten herself - almost certainly less than a year old. She’s gone to DAWS to wait for an adopter. You will be able to find her on their site - we’ll update this post with a link when it’s available!

We expected another mom/not-mom this weekend, but she delivered her kittens before she could come to the Academy, and now it will be a couple weeks before she’s eligible for transport. It’s likely we’ll have a new mom cat this Saturday, the 5th.

Finally, a reminder that this weekend, we’ll also be featured at Crunchyroll’s V-CRX 2020! Perhaps they’ll be treated to a delivery of kittens!?

Here’s a few bonus photos from recent shoots!

Some Very Hipster Photos!

Greetings, Kitten Academicians!

We’ll have a blogpost about “May B” and our run of not-exactly-mom cats soon, but this is all about the Hipsters and Bebop!


Very excitingly, the wonderful people at Crunchyroll have made Kitten Academy and Bebop and her kittens the official “Yuzu’s Cat Cafe” at their annual Crunchyroll Expo, September 4-6! We can’t even tell you all what an amazing honor it is and how excited we are to be a small part of such a big deal! It’s really thoughtful of them to want to include a cat rescue and help some cats and kittens, both present and future, find their adopters!

We get a lot of questions about Bessie or “the wobbly kitten” in the group. She does have Cerebellar Hypoplasia, but all that means is that she’ll be adorably clumsy her whole life. Her brother Artie has a less noticeable case of the same thing.

Bebop and the Weebops are scheduled for their spay and neuter “graduation” surgeries on the 10th and 14th of September, and will be eligible to be picked up at the Academy (or at DAWS, as you like) ten days later, when the sutures are removed.

Ironic - Ira - Female

Vinyl - Female

Vintage - Vin -Male

Retro - Female

Bespoke - Bessie - Female

Artisianal - Artie - Male

Indie - Female

Bebop - Momcat

Bebop and The Hipster Weebops

Bebop's Weebops in Too Many Photos!

Greetings, Kitten Academicians!

We’ve finally taken a few minutes to wrap up editing on the last photoshoot! Not much news in the meantime - the Weebops are six weeks old today, but most of these photos were taken last week. You can probably tell they were taken in the Annex, but the Weebops have been in the main room for a few days now.

They’ll have their first vet visit and vaccinations on Monday the 27th!

Here’s all the photos in no particular order - consider it a challenge to decide which kitten is which! We’re likely to add collars to them this upcoming weekend, before their vet visit, so after that things should get simpler.

Weebops Updates

Greetings, Kitten Academicians!

Lots of photos of the new Weebops to share! Because it can be tricky for even us to tell them apart, we’ve started this post with a small gallery of each kitten, then at the end, a giant gallery of everything.

No news to share in this mewspost, but we’ll be making a bunch more posts soon!

The photos of the kittens on the mint colored blanket were taken on the June 16th. The ones backlit by the sun were taken on June 22nd. The big gallery are photos from both of those days and a bunch more from June 29th.

Bespoke - Bessie - Female

Artisanal - Artie - Male

Indie -Female

Ironic - Ira - Female

Vinyl - Female

Vintage- Vinnie - Male

Retro - Female

Here’s some more.

Welcome Hipster Weebops!

Greetings, Kitten Academicians!

It’s been quite a week or two here with Bebop finally delivering seven healthy kittens on Wednesday, June 10th! It was an extended delivery, roughly 12 hours - with a few hairy moments and seven adorable furry ones.

We’ve been hoping to make a post with more, better photos and lots of info but we realize these kittens are just getting cuter every day and growing so quickly the photos are outdated the minute we take them. So here’s what we’ve got!

Because it’s so difficult to tell the kittens apart - especially when we took the first set of photos - we’re breaking this down into a little gallery for each and then a big gallery of everything else.

Bespoke - Female - Bessie

Artisanal - Male - Artie

Indie - Female

Ironic - Female - Ira

Vinyl - Female

Vintage - Male - Vinny

Retro - Female

Bebop - Momcat

And here’s a big bunch of all the photos we’ve taken so far - !