

It’s with the heaviest of hearts that we inform you that Acro is no longer with the Academy. Acro’s combination of hypothyroidism, lymphoma, and neurological disease proved to be too much to reverse with any medicine or treatment.

He was Mr. A’s closest companion for 14 years, and right to the end he was the most consistently happy cat we’ve ever known.

Many of us will be feeling this loss for quite a long time to come. We’d like to ask that you don’t send flowers, or money, or even condolences - we’re literally inconsolable, and we still have the lovely flowers and generosity sent to us recently for other reasons.

Instead, if you’d like to honor Acro’s memory, we’d ask that you do it the way he would have liked: do something to create some happiness in the world. Even if it’s not much, even if it’s just for yourself.

If you can’t think of anything, it’s always good to contribute to your local animal shelter, or to DAWS, and if you really would like to do something but can’t contribute monetarily, your shelter is likely to have plenty of need for volunteers with time to help out.

Or just treat yourself or someone you know to a good meal. That creates happiness, and was always a joy for Acro.