Myth, Rumor, and More!

Greetings, Kitten Academicians!

We promised more photos of Myth and Rumor and well - we tried! If you’d like to know more about applying to adopt either of these fantastic non-moms, check our previous blog post - and there’s more photos there too!

We’re not completely sure when Rumor and Myth will be eligible to go home, but we’d expect it to be in about a month. We’ll be sure to let you know as soon as everything is set!

Don’t miss the bonus photos of some of the faculty and Feasters who stopped by during the photoshoot, at the end of this post!



Everyone Else

Alpine Photoshoot, Myth and Rumor

Greetings, Kitten Academicians!

We’re sure you’ve heard by now, the Fancy Feasters all have approved adopters and will be eligible to go home soon, but there’s a bit of a URI going around the Academy at the moment that is complicating the schedules. We currently have the boys set for their neuters with Dr. Katz on Wednesday, and if they are able to keep that appointment, then they will be ready to go home as soon as this weekend! Truffle and Saffron will have their sutures out on Friday and also be ready this weekend. We’re hoping the URI is well-resolved by then!

In other very important news, we have Myth and Rumor, the two non-momcats, staying with us until we’re able to get them spayed and adopted. We’ve had to bump their appointments to reschedule the Feaster boys, so we’re not yet sure when they will be ready to go home, but it’s likely to be in about a month.

Myth would rather stay home than visit the Alps.

Myth is an older dilute calico who startles easily, and would like to have her own private quiet place to spend most of her time, and also is crazy for snuggles and vigorous petting. She will purr and roll over for endless belly rubs; it’s not a trap! She can also be quite playful, usually in the quiet hours of the night. She can peacefully co-exist with other cats, but doesn’t want them too close. She doesn’t ask for a lot of attention, but she will reward a patient adopter — someone who can approach her quietly and deliberately — with a lot of love.

Rumor is patient and playful.

Rumor is a very young tabby — still practically a kitten herself. She enjoys chasing and wrestling with other cats, and is very respectful when they ask her to calm down or back off. She has a natural talent for getting along with other cats and kittens. She also loves her people and always wants to be close enough to know where they are and what they’re doing. It’s difficult to imagine an environment that Rumor wouldn’t thrive, though she does need a little extra care when making big changes and new introductions. She didn’t want to be left alone for a minute the first few days that she was here. After settling in she’s been a little more independent.

We’ll be getting more photos and talking about Myth and Rumor more in the near future - meanwhile, you can apply to adopt either of them!

Here’s the last photoshoot we did - just after Myth and Rumor arrived and just before the URI broke out. Rumor was so passive during the photoshoot that we couldn’t resist having her try on some hats! Myth wasn’t interested in visiting a new room with a bunch of strange stuff so she just got her photos in her own room - it was tricky getting her to pose instead of rolling over for more belly rubs!

Fancy Feasters Updated Photos!

Greetings, Kitten Academicians!

Truffle’s Fancy Feasters are growing up fast! They’re just over five weeks old now, and will be going for their first vet visit on the 16th, when they reach an even six weeks. They all seem super healthy and have learned to eat solid food! And although they’re not yet entirely learned in the ways of the litter box, we’re sure it won’t be long.

Here’s an updated cheat-sheet and then a whole bunch of photos beginning back at two weeks old when their eyes had just opened! We’ll be posting the graduation photos of Tilly’s class next week.

Saffron - Female

Macadamia Nut - Male - Macnut

Champagne - Male - Champ

Caviar - Male

Truffle - Momcat

Welcome to the Fancy Feasters!

Greetings, Kitten Academicians!

Here’s DJ’s Cheatsheet!

New momcat Truffle was discovered hanging around a garage in rural Georgia and DAWS arranged to have her brought to the Academy [* see below] on Halloween day. We could tell it wouldn’t be long before she delivered her kittens! She was an instant lap snuggler and spent all the time she could curled up on our lap in the beanbag chair.

Sure enough, four healthy kittens were born on the morning of November 4th! Truffle appears to be an experienced mom and is handling all of her kittens’ needs just fine - with an occasional time-out for more lap snuggles!

Here’s the photos from the initial photoshoots after and before the birth, and afterwards we’ll share some info about the new merch on Teespring!

We know that our Teespring storefront can be difficult to navigate if you’re looking for something in particular buried under all the different products on which you can have the KA logo printed! So we wanted to take a moment here to post links to the newest items.

Our friend (and the voice of Smokey) Pauline contacted the amazing artist Kat Giannini to commission artwork of the Kitten Academy Faculty to be raffled at the 2020 KA-Con raffle. But events led to the cancellation of the raffle this year, and instead, Kat has allowed us to sell her fantastic portraits of the faculty on our Teespring store as shirts and coffee mugs! It’s super generous of her to allow, considering she has her own Etsy store where she sells some of her best prints. Also thanks to Jay for refactoring the original art to suit the shirts and mugs! Everyone involved really went out of their way to make this possible and we love the art so much that we’ve already ordered the whole set for the Academy.

Faculty Shirts!

Faculty Shirts!

Smokey Mug!  (Smuggy?)

Smokey Mug! (Smuggy?)

Maggie Mug!  (Muggie?)

Maggie Mug! (Muggie?)

Loganberry Mug!

Loganberry Mug!

Eddie Mug!

Eddie Mug!

Custard Mug!  (Cupstard?)

Custard Mug! (Cupstard?)

Ari Mug!

Ari Mug!

The good people at Teespring have mentioned that they may be able to provide a discount code for us this weekend or soon thereafter, so if they do, I’ll update this post with the code here. Meanwhile, here’s a bonus design from Jay based on a T-shirt we sometimes wear around the Academy!

[* From Above:
DAWS generously covered the costs for Planned Pethood GA to rescue Truffle and a Georgia Transport Allies transport to bring Truffle to the Academy. Links here, but be warned that these sites do not follow the Kitten Academy No-Sads policy.]