Welcome to the Fancy Feasters!
Greetings, Kitten Academicians!
Here’s DJ’s Cheatsheet!
New momcat Truffle was discovered hanging around a garage in rural Georgia and DAWS arranged to have her brought to the Academy [* see below] on Halloween day. We could tell it wouldn’t be long before she delivered her kittens! She was an instant lap snuggler and spent all the time she could curled up on our lap in the beanbag chair.
Sure enough, four healthy kittens were born on the morning of November 4th! Truffle appears to be an experienced mom and is handling all of her kittens’ needs just fine - with an occasional time-out for more lap snuggles!
Here’s the photos from the initial photoshoots after and before the birth, and afterwards we’ll share some info about the new merch on Teespring!
We know that our Teespring storefront can be difficult to navigate if you’re looking for something in particular buried under all the different products on which you can have the KA logo printed! So we wanted to take a moment here to post links to the newest items.
Our friend (and the voice of Smokey) Pauline contacted the amazing artist Kat Giannini to commission artwork of the Kitten Academy Faculty to be raffled at the 2020 KA-Con raffle. But events led to the cancellation of the raffle this year, and instead, Kat has allowed us to sell her fantastic portraits of the faculty on our Teespring store as shirts and coffee mugs! It’s super generous of her to allow, considering she has her own Etsy store where she sells some of her best prints. Also thanks to Jay for refactoring the original art to suit the shirts and mugs! Everyone involved really went out of their way to make this possible and we love the art so much that we’ve already ordered the whole set for the Academy.
The good people at Teespring have mentioned that they may be able to provide a discount code for us this weekend or soon thereafter, so if they do, I’ll update this post with the code here. Meanwhile, here’s a bonus design from Jay based on a T-shirt we sometimes wear around the Academy!
[* From Above:
DAWS generously covered the costs for Planned Pethood GA to rescue Truffle and a Georgia Transport Allies transport to bring Truffle to the Academy. Links here, but be warned that these sites do not follow the Kitten Academy No-Sads policy.]