Updates All Over!
The last week has seen a massive surge in the number of people viewing the kitten livestream. We've got over 1000 subscribers and are fast approaching 2000 likes! That's amazing. And just the other day, we had over 100 simultaneous watchers. Thanks, YouTubers! You're the best! According to YouTube, almost 50,000 people have watched over 500,000 minutes on our stream. That's almost one whole year... since April 20th!
Special thanks to our chat moderators, DJ, catlady2016, ltgaga, and Miki thedragonfan. It's not easy keeping a crowd like this under control, and you've all been a great help.
In other news, Apple, Coopi, and Spot were all adopted from Hazel's litter, but Seven, Troi, Riker, and Broccoli are still waiting for their forever homes. So is Hazel! These are WONDERFUL kittens, so please, consider adopting one from On Angel's Wings. Here's some photos from the adoption event last weekend, and from the OAW shelter.
We'll post again soon with photos and news about the adopters of Spot, Apple, and Coopi. stay tuned!
Finally, here's a heartwarming video gift from our latest moderator Miki to us - and to all of you!