Song and Dance Kittens
Where Are They Meow?
Song and Fiddle were adopted together and have begun their new adventures in Buffalo, NY. They are in constant touch with us via Discord. They have set up an Instagram account for their non-Discord fans to follow them! Below are some pictures!
Song and Fiddle working on their synchronized loafing!
Mandolin and Cello were adopted together. You can see updates from them on Twitter at! They also keep in touch with us on Discord chat.
Banjo went to a lovely home with three other black cat buddies to play with! You can now follow him on Twitter:!
Cha Cha has been adopted by a great family with pug siblings for her. We suspect she thinks she's a pug too now. She keeps in touch with us via Discord. Pictures coming soon!
Kazoo has kazoomed off to his new home in Massachusetts and is quickly settling into his castle full of toys and two loving humans. He constantly sends us updates via Twitter (, YoutTube (, Instagram ( as well as Discord!
Lute and Foxtrot were adopted together and have moved into their awesome new home in Texas. Their humans are a little social-media-shy but are super-loving parents! They do stay in touch with us on Discord.
Waltz has found a fantastic new home in the state of New York. He even has a new doggie sibling! You can keep up with his professional cuddling endeavors via Twitter (, Instagram ( and he also updates us regularly on Discord.