Port Oranges and Catterns Updates!
Greetings, Kitten Academicians!
As you no doubt are aware, Port Oranges have been getting picked up by their adopters and as of this writing, only Bombay, Rotterdam, and Sydney remain. And Millet, of course. They will be picked up in due time:
Bombay - Friday July 9th
Syd and Millet - Saturday July 17th
Rotterdam - TBD, after neuter on the 12th
We would have liked to have done another studio photoshoot with the entire group but unfortunately, time did not allow. We did, however, catch a bunch of action shots with the oranges and the A-Door-Able bird toy. You’ll find some of those at the end of this post!
Meanwhile, we managed another brief shoot with the Catterns. We’ll split that up by kitten here as it’s still difficult to tell Chevron from Herringbone. The Catterns are finally eating well on their own and all seem very active and happy! There’s good evidence that the Calicivirus that Rotterdam had earlier has been picked up by some or all of the Catterns but they seem — like Rotterdam — as though they don’t even notice.