Art Attack!
Greetings, Kitten Academicians!
Back in October, Sylhouette arranged for a “Inktopurr” art challenge for our Twitter followers and the response was fantastic! She’s picked out some of her favorites to highlight in what was supposed to be a series of two blog posts, but we’re just going to drop them all here in one big Art Attack!
There’s currently a “Januarty” art challenge going and it’s not too late to Articipate!

The Daily Prompts

JaniceC "Floof"

LilyCatsMom "Toe beans"

Michelle "Graduation"

Mom2Felix "KA Logo"

Sage's Handmade "Headmistress Smokey"

Sage "Wiggles"

Zesul67 "Smol"

Cthulhia "Hammock"

Joyce "Paws"

LilyCatsMom "Professor Ridi Culari"

Megalina "Headmaster Acro"

Megalina "Warden Toonki"

Michelle "Meowloween"

Mom2Felix "Tiny"

Sage's Handmade "Tunnel"

Sylhouette "Alumni"

JaniceC "Cat Toy"