Graduation for the Babbles!
Greetings, Kitten Academicians!
Our latest class is just about to head to their homes! We apologize for the lack of a proper graduation photoshoot for the Tinypants. We’re not sure how that got missed! But hopefully the nearly 200 photos of Brook, Pebble, Moss, Fern, Thistle, and Culotte will help make up for that somewhat.
Currently, the adoption plans are for Moss, Fern, and Thistle to be picked up by their adopter - they’re all going together - on Saturday the 18th at about 2pm. There’s a big snowstorm due in the area that might require us to change the timing somewhat.
Culotte and Pebble are scheduled to go home together on Friday 31st! Until then, they will likely be given free run of the house, rather than staying in the main Academy classroom. Pebble’s graduation surgery (final exam?) is scheduled for the 28th.
Raise your hand if you’re beautiful and need an adopter!
Brook, of course, still needs an adopter!
We’ll likely have an unusual number of blog posts here in the next day or three since we have a pending art post to follow-up on the Inktober challenges that Syl set up on Twitter, a new momcat to introduce and a new Januarty challenge ongoing now, too. But we’ll save those for the next posts - for now, just enjoy the photos!