Fish Photo Shoot!
Hello, Kitten Academicians!
We don't need no education!
We've got some photos of the Fish and Angel for you -- some from two weeks ago, and some from last night. I bet you can tell which are which!
Before that, though, a moment of news: Java was picked up at On Angels' Wings today by his adopter. As he's left the academy before graduation, he's officially our first "drop out!" A lot of famous people have dropped out and still managed great things, so we hope for the best. But we'd encourage all of you to stay in school nonetheless! Don't be a Java!
His adopter will be returning to OAW with him when he's ready to be fixed, so that will be taken care of. Unfortunately, this adoption was arranged before he came to the Kitten Academy, so it's uncertain whether we'll be able to expect any updates later.
Star's doing very well in her recovery, and we're hopeful that soon we'll feel comfortable letting her spend as much time as she likes with her kittens. We'd also like to offer her the option of roaming the Academy grounds with the Faculty cats, but we're cautious about introducing too many new and exciting situations while she's convalescing.
So, that's all the important news - let's get to the photos!