Quick Note About the Live Stream
Hey folks. Let us start with the TL;DR - the livestream is up, it's daytime, and if you are not seeing the stream or you think it's not daytime, you are in the wrong place. Please try this link: http://www.youtube.com/c/KittenAcademy/live
The longer story here is that YouTube recently changed how it handles live streams to improve things for the general user. But it makes things more annoying and difficult for continual, 24/7 live streams like ours. Now if the stream goes offline at all -- as it did this morning when we had a brief power outage at 2:45am -- when it comes back, it gets a new URL, and has all the likes/dislikes and view counts reset.
Harvey naps in the cheese.
However, YouTube does provide two different ways to configure a stream, and we are hoping that if we use the other way, it will no longer have these issues. We're running a test of that right now. The bad news is -- if the test is successful and the other way works, we probably will have to announce another URL change when we switch to that other way. The good news is, it should hopefully be the very last one ever!
Prisma AI interpretation of the previous photo.
In the meantime, the URL at the beginning of this post should work, and if you ever wonder if it's changed, you can always come to this website, and use the 'Live Stream' menu option (though yes, the embedded version there was wrong for a while this morning -- so sorry!).