Quiche Lorraine

Where Are They Meow?
Quiche Lorraine (or just Quiche) arrived at the Academy under the pretense of being pregnant as some other kitties had managed to do previously. For a little while, she got us all very excited about the possibility of kittens enrolling soon.

However, it turned out that she just had some minor indigestion and a respectable amount of belly fat. Eventually, Quiche graduated from the Academy and found herself an adoring human to take care of her so she could work on figuring out her future career path. Quiche’s humans are not very social-media-oriented but she let us know via OAW that she is settling in wonderfully and that she is busy doing serious cat things. She tells us that she has titled herself the “velcro kitty” at her new place, thereby letting her cat colleagues know that she has the most claim to her human servants despite being a new arrival.