More Art Alliterations with Syl
Hello Kitten Academicians!
It’s Sylvie again and I’m here to tell you about this month's art prompt, Artsy April 2022. This time around, the terms on the prompt were mainly chosen by you, the community. Thank you so much to everyone that gave us suggestions for the prompt, we look forward to getting the community more involved in the future. If you want to participate in this month’s prompt, all you have to do is create with whatever medium you enjoy and post it to Twitter using the hashtag #KAArtsyApril2022. If you’re not a Twitter user, you are also welcome to post your work in the arts-and-crafts channel in Discord. We can’t wait to see all of your creations this month. I hope you’ll join us, even if only one day inspires you. Lastly, don’t forget - have fun, don’t stress and if it stops being fun, take a break!
Below, you’ll find the submissions from the previous art month, Floofy February. Thank you so much to everyone that participated! If you would like to see all of the other fun and floofy artworks click here.
Does Artsy April sound familiar? We also did one in 2020!
To view all of the previous art prompts click here.