Welcome to Tilbury's Stable!
Greetings, Kitten Academicians!

The original cheatsheet by Maharet_S on the Discord for Patreons!
We’re a bit late in posting about it, but Tilbury arrived via DAWS on September 6th, from Morgantown, West Virginia. We don’t know exactly how old she might be, but we suspect she’s at least four years old. We think she’s probably had a number of litters of kittens before coming to the Academy.
Early in the morning of September 12th, she delivered 5 beautiful, healthy, monochromatic kittens. The photos in the big gallery below are from the 13th, the 22nd, and the 29th. We feel like you can probably guess which are which!
So far, she’s been a model momcat, taking care of her kittens’ every need with practically no assistance from us - we didn’t even need to help in the delivery (but we did anyhow)! That’s rare. She also has been visiting the faculty and exploring the house every morning, which is unprecedented among momcats with newborn kittens.
Here’s our “introduction” photos!
Quarter Pony - Female - AKA “Qupe” “Quartz”
Shire - Male
Brumby - Female

Morgan - Female
Clydesdale - Male - AKA “Clyde”
Tilbury - Momcat