Welcome to Brook and Pebble!
Greetings, Kitten Academicians!
DJ’s cheat sheet is simpler and more complex than usual!
You’ve probably already noticed the latest attendees of the Academy, Brook and Pebble. Our new vet, Dr. Katz, was looking after them for T.A.I.L.S, who had rescued them recently. T.A.I.L.S. were looking for a foster and we fell in love with Brook and her kitten at first sight, so we offered to take them if no foster could be found - and if they’d be willing to sign them over to DAWS, the shelter we normally work with.
Of course, as soon as we offered, the fine folks at T.A.I.L.S. agreed to sign them over and have them put through the Kitten Academy! This is the first time we’ve had a class with just one kitten in it - it’s possible if not likely that we’ll ask DAWS if they want to add in more classmates later in the semester.
We would really love to see Brook and Pebble adopted together, and hope some of you consider applying for them as a pair. It’s never too early to put in an application!
On that note, we’d love to see the Tinypants adopted in groups as well, with their mom, Tailor! They’ve got approximately a month and a half left until graduation now, so it’s a great time to apply!
Finally, Twist is the only one of the Wiggles still at the Academy, and we expect her adopter to pick her up on October 23rd. She’ll be going home all the way to Arizona!
Here’s our first photoshoot with Brook and Pebble, and some bonus faculty photos and Whimsy too!