Mews You May Have Heard!
Flannel wants to talk to you about adopting all her sisters.
Hello, Kitten Academicians! Just a quick post to make sure everyone's aware of a few random bits of news that we've already announced on the live stream!
First an apology: We don't have any new photos to put on this post, because on Monday, Custard knocked our best camera off a desk, and now it's been sent in for repairs. It'll be out for a few weeks. Until then, we'll fall back on the older camera and our cell phones!
The Textiles are all going to be at an event with On Angels' Wings, in Crystal Lake, at the Crystal Lake PetCo today. After the event, they will go to the On Angels' Wings store, where they will stay until Sunday evening - or until adopted, whichever comes first! Any Textiles not adopted by Sunday will return to the Academy, where they will have free run of the house most of the time, rather than returning to the main Academy room.
Acro is preparing to drop his new album soon.
The Fonts will be moved into the main Academy room this weekend, after we give it a thorough cleaning. We're all looking forward to how they will react to being able to see more of the world!
Our test runs of YouTube's new live-streaming-from-a-phone feature were, we feel, highly successful! Thanks to those of you who managed to join us, even though we didn't really plan or announce them. Expect us to do more of that now that it's an option!
We met with a lawyer this week, and have started down the path to turning Kitten Academy into a real 501c3 charity. It'll take a while to get it all done, but we expect it to bring a lot of benefits to you, and to us! More news as that develops.
Charlie taking lessons from Professor Custard.
Finally, this week, from Sunday the 12th - Sunday the 19th (roughly) we will be running a trial of "monetization" on YouTube. That's what they call it when we have ads play on and around our videos. We don't get any control over what ads you see, but we do get a certain amount of control over where and when they might appear. We'll be using the week to figure out those controls, what the options are, and also to get a feel for whether it's worthwhile at all. Some of you may recall we did a brief trial last year and decided against it - we think it's time to try it again and see if anything's changed. If you really can't stand advertisements, we apologize - and keep in mind that YouTube Red eliminates all ads on YouTube!
Thanks for reading, and thanks for watching!