The Fancy Feasters



Where are they Meow?

Truffle and Caviar were adopted together! They love to play and snuggle with each other, and their humans. The both also love treats! Truffle and Caviar are on X

Saffron was adopted to a wonderful household, with a canine companion! She gets along well with her new doggy friend, and enjoys cuddling with him and her adopter. She also can be found sitting in unusual places! Saffron provides updates on the Kitten Academy Discord.

Macadamia Nut now lived in a household with both feline and canine companions! Mac enjoys halping his human with work and chores, bug hunting, playing with objects he finds around the house, and has even dabbled in digital painting! Mac posts updates on Discord, X, and Instagram!

Champagne was adopted by previous KA alumni, Scuttlebutt! The pair became good friends, and love to cuddle and play together! Champ is very good at snuggling his humans, too. His adopters are on the KA Discord!