Chili's Beans
Where Are They Meow?
Chili was adopted by a long-time KA fan and she is already in touch with us on Discord chat. Chili has transformed into a super-playful cat now that she's free of motherly duties. Chili and her new sister, Coco also have a Facebook page ( You can also follow Chili on YouTube at
Pintobean (Rocky) and Coriander (Apollo/Agent Corn) were adopted by loving, dedicated humans and are settling in beautifully at their new home! They keep in touch with us on Discord chat.
Apollo, caught by a fish!
Cayenne, the sweetest kitten of the Chili's is now a princess with loving human servants. She spends a lot of time sboogling with her humans and even comfort-nursing on their ears! Cayenne keeps in touch via Discord and you can also follow her on YouTube (, Twitter ( and Instagram (
Garbanzo had an epic graduation from Kitten Academy where he was picked up by KA alum, Trout of the Angel's Fish class! They now work very hard at filling their home with floof. If you already follow Trout on Twitter (, you are all set for Garbanzo!
Kidney and Tomato have decided to perform post-graduate studies together in their new home. They are very loved by their human servant and spend their time on virtual marine biology research. Kidney is very dedicated to her work while Tomato provides much needed moral support. You can follow their work on Twitter ( and they keep us posted regularly on Discord.
Kidney, hard at work!
Tomato, hardly working!